


太阳贵宾厅网址 is an authorized International Baccalaureate World School. 太阳贵宾目前为大三和大四学生提供文凭课程. Our authorization is a considerable accomplishment that involved all stakeholders of the school. 我很荣幸能加入超过1人的行列,美国有500所学校,差不多有3所,全球有700所IB国际学校. 欲了解更多有关IB DP的详细信息,请访问 www.伊博语.org.


The IB DP is a balanced and academically challenging programme of education with rigorous assessment designed for junior and senior students. DP为学生在高等教育及以后的成功做好准备. 它是为知识分子设计的, 社会, 情感, 学生的身心健康. The programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The Diploma Programme prepares students for effective participation in a rapidly evolving and increasingly global society as they:

  • acquire breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding, studying courses from six subject groups.
  • develop the skills and a positive attitude towards learning that will prepare them for higher education.
  • study at least two languages and increase understanding of cultures, including their own.
  • make connections across traditional academic disciplines and explore the nature of knowledge through the programme’s unique theory of knowledge course.
  • undertake in-depth research into an area of interest through the lens of one or more academic disciplines in the extended essay.
  • enhance their personal and interpersonal development through creativity, action and service.


  • Q: 我如何参与IB DP?

    Information sessions are held during course re-registration in January and February each year.  9th and 10th grade students may also choose to observe an IB course during their respective “IB Course 访问 Day” marked on the school calendar.  Students who want to register as a Course Candidate or pursue the Full Diploma must fill out an “Early Action Application” in 9th grade or a “Regular Decision Application” in 10th grade. 
  • Q: 有什么要求??

    如果学生希望获得完整文凭, he/she must take 6 IB courses over the course of junior and senior year; additionally, 这三个核心部分必须完成. Course Candidate students may elect to take one or more IB-level courses and choose to complete any or all of the core requirements; they will be issued a certificate upon successful completion of their coursework. 获得IB体验的全部好处, 太阳贵宾强烈鼓励学生攻读完整文凭.
  • Q: 你们提供什么课程?

    All IB courses are infused with critical thinking and independent projects with an international focus. 太阳贵宾厅网址’s current IB course offerings are as follows:

    1. 英国文学(HL)
    2. 西班牙语B (SL)
    3. 法语B (SL)
    4. 拉丁语(SL)
    5. 历史(HL)
    6. 环境系统与社会(SL)
    7. 数学:应用与解释(HL)
    8. 世界宗教(SL)
    9. 认识论

    欲了解更多信息,请参阅 课程目录.
  • Q: 参加IB课程有GPA要求吗?

    太阳贵宾厅网址 supports the participation of a wide range of students in the IB DP. We look at each student applicant individually to determine if IB is the best fit. 没有GPA要求, yet it is important that students are successful their ccourses sophomore year, maintaining a "B" average in Honors-level courses and an "A" average in College-Prep courses.
  • Q: IB课程比AP好吗?

    There is a great article published in USA News and World Report that provides a brief overview of the difference: 《太阳贵宾厅网址》文章.

    这两个项目都受到名牌大学的高度重视. 然而, the true value of either AP or IB depends on the fit between your child's learning style, 动机, 为AP和IB课程的挑战做准备. 底线——让你的孩子做决定! 每个学生都不一样! Archbishop Spalding students are lucky to have two great programs pushing them to higher levels of learning!


