


  • 成功技能营

    Skills for Success is designed for all grade levels and is taught by three experienced classroom teachers. Students will receive instruction from teachers certified in Social Studies, 数学, 和英语, and all have experience teaching freshmen and upperclassmen.  The small classroom size helps students discover their learning styles, 的优势, 和弱点, 这将有助于提高他们的学习成绩. 
    • 从初中到高中的过渡
    • 如何成为一名成功的学生!
    • 时间管理
    • 组织
    • 学习习惯、态度 & 动机
    • 数字日历 & 任务管理
    • ASHS数字套件介绍
    • 记笔记软件 & 工具
    • 听和记笔记 
    • 应试策略
    • 数学策略
    • 研究和写作策略

    8月5 - 8
    8月12 - 15


  • 戏剧营

    日期: 7月15日- 19日
    时间: 9:00 - 3:00 am
    年龄: 7 - 9年级 
    成本: $300

    Spalding 剧院's first ever summer camp will focus on all aspects of theatre, 包括性能, 试镜, 导演, 技术剧院等! Participants will be able to work with the Spalding 剧院 directors to help bring their own production to life on the stage!

    Lauren Schene has been 导演 at Spalding since 2015 and is a graduate of Spalding where she was involved in the theatre and music programs. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in 剧院 from The Catholic University of America and after graduation, 在世界上最快乐的地方工作, 迪斯尼世界, 在娱乐. She was the director of the 2019 Cappie Award Winning production of The Drowsy Chaperone, and Spalding 剧院 was nominated for 11 total categories that season. 最近, she completed the Broadway Teachers Workshop where she attended educational sessions from notable artists such as Josh Groban, 艾伦Menken, 安德里亚·马丁.  

  • SAT或ACT营

    日期:6月10日- 21日

    The Summer 2024 SAT/ACT Bootcamp is designed to prepare students for testing dates in the 2024-2025 summer & 学年. 

    • Consists of 10 sessions designed to increase each student's aptitude, 安慰, 以及对大学理事会SAT和ACT考试的了解. Each session is capped at 25 students, which ensures individualized instruction and attention.
    • In the first session, students will take a diagnostic test to ascertain their base-level score. The following eight sessions will individually address each student's 的优势 和弱点. 课程将花时间在数学上, 口头, 语法, and writing skills that students need to utilize on the test.
    • The tenth session will consist of a final diagnostic exam to ascertain the progress and accomplishments of each student.
    • 最后, 最后一次会议结束后, an email will be sent out to each student outlining their growth from the course and giving them a continued plan of study.

    届: (所有课程将在212教室进行)
    • June 10  |  Practice Test 1 – Diagnostic 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM 
    • 6月11日|介绍/英语I上午9:00 - 11:30 
    • 6月12日|英语II上午9:00 - 11:30 
    • 6月13日|英语三上午9:00 - 11:30 
    • 6月14日|英语四级9:00 AM - 11:30 AM 
    • 6月17日|数学I上午9:00 - 11:30 
    • 6月18日|数学II上午9:00 - 11:30 
    • 6月19日|数学III上午9:00 - 11:30
    • 6月20日|数学4上午9:00 - 11:30 
    • June 21  |  Practice Test 2 -  Diagnostic 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    • 6月21日后|电子邮件评估
    ***作为课程已付学费的一部分, students may attend any future Spalding SAT/ACT Prep session free of charge. 例如, if your student should take the course in the spring of his or her junior year and plan to take the test again during his or her senior year, 第二年,他们可能会在任何一门课程上失学.  We offer courses in the fall, spring, and summer every year.

    Ms. 凯瑟琳马赫-课程协调员和数学 
    Katherine Mach has been teaching mathematics at Spalding for fourteen years. She has been involved in the SAT/ACT program for the past twelve of those years. She has experience teaching honors, intermediate, and college preparatory levels of mathematics.  她现在和以前的课程包括代数I和代数II, 几何, 三角函数, 统计数据, 和微积分.  Ms. Mach has a BS in 数学ematics and a BA in Latin from Mount Saint Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, MD, 并获得马里兰大学硕士学位.  Ms. Mach is excited to help the students learn how to better their skills so that they can excel on the SATs and the ACTs. 

    夫人. Angela Bentzley -英语教师
    Angela Bentzley has been teaching English at Spalding for eighteen years.  She has experience teaching all levels of English including Honors World Literature, 大二英语, IB初级英语文学, IB高级英语文学, 和英国主要作家.  目前, she serves as the coordinator of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme and nearly 100% of all students who have taken IB English Literature for the last 10 years have passed the exams.  夫人. Bentzley holds a BA from Loyola University Chicago and a Master’s degree from Notre Dame of Maryland University.  她的专长是技能培养. Bentzley will help students identify their 的优势 and opportunities for growth on the SATs and ACTs.

    • The course is open to Spalding students in their sophomore and junior years.  The sessions will be held on the campus of 太阳贵宾厅网址 in Severn, MD.
    • 由于太阳贵宾的小尺寸, we offer one of the best student-to-teacher ratios of any preparation session in the area.  The small class size ensures individualized attention and instruction at all times.
    • Students should come to sessions dressed 安慰ably and bring with them a pen or pencil, 计算器, 和笔记本.  A short break will be offered during each session and students are welcome to bring a drink and/or a snack with them to class.  学校里也有自动售货机.
    • Each student will receive a textbook as part of the course. These comprehensive test materials provide the basis for instruction for the class as well as the materials for the student’s continued independent study.
    • 每一个学生, 项目完成后, will receive an individualized assessment of his or her progress and a comprehensive evaluation. 

    更多信息请联系Kate Mach: machk@spaldinghs.org.

  • 艺术营

    Students will use multiple arts and crafts media to create many 2D and 3D visual artworks. 探索油彩等媒介, 水彩, 丙烯酸颜料, 石膏面具制作, 版画, 过程日志. Students will learn about the elements and principles of design anchored in color theory. 学生们将创作的一些艺术品包括面具制作, 曼荼罗, 肖像print-making, 过程日志. 所有的工具和用品都包含在夏令营的学费中. 

    7月15 - 18日 & 7月22日- 25日 上午9点到下午3点 

    10 -14岁(6 - 9年级) 

    Students will get the following supplies to take home along with their completed art projects: 
    (速写本, 彩色铅笔, 粉蜡笔, 水彩颜料套装, 绘图铅笔, 橡皮擦, 标记, 和一个用品箱) 

    • 所有的学生都应该自带午餐 
    • All Mornings will begin with sketching and completing design challenges in each student's sketchbook. 
    • 石膏面膜制作 
    • 石膏面具制作 
    • 三亚克力曼荼罗制作 
    • 星期四-肖像版画 

    请联系Bill Ford获取更多信息: fordw@spaldinghs.org.




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